Waterproof Lipstick

Remember when you were a child, and you’d receive a makeup kit from your family as a present and it was the biggest set of garbage? At the time, you didn’t realize that makeup brushes aren’t supposed to feel like hay and eyeshadow really shouldn’t be available in hot pink and electric aqua, but you were six years old and didn’t know any better. The reason why I brought up this memory is because I was afraid that buying makeup from eBay would provide the same quality of makeup as my childhood Christmas gifts did. I thought this lipstick would be very dried out and would apply cakey. Surprisingly, this lipstick is nicely pigmented and very moisturizing!

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Like I mentioned above, this lipstick is creamy and soft, making it very moisturizing. The listing claims that this lipstick is “enriched with vitamins and Aloe Vera”. When getting in contact with the seller to inquire about the ingredients, there was a clear language barrier so I wasn’t able to obtain the list.


This lipstick is advertised as waterproof. Often, eBay listings will advertise an item as something that it’s not to make it seem better. Be weary of words such as “professional” or “14K Gold”. Assume that an item has been made with the lowest quality ingredients/materials possible so that your heart doesn’t get broken if your item doesn’t live up to your expectations (especially if you’re paying only a few dollars for an item that should be worth much more). This lipstick is fairly waterproof; I went swimming with it on and it did hold up for the most part. It is important to note that waterproof and smudge-proof are not the same. While you can walk outside in the rain wearing this lipstick, it doesn’t given you freedom from itching your lips, leaving lipstick marks on coffee cups, etc.

Waterproof rating: 7/10.


An irritating characteristic of lipstick is that it often needs to be applied and reapplied throughout the day, which can be annoying and tiresome. Why even bother wearing lipstick if you need to be constantly self-policing your lips all day? It’s exhausting to be worried about what your lips look like when your time could be used for better things (like saving the world??). I took photos throughout the day so you could see how this lipstick stood up to the test of time!


So here’s what I found: This lipstick definitely faded over the course of the day, but what lipstick doesn’t? By 5:00pm, the lipstick was very patchy on my lips. However, I’d be very surprised if a lipstick this inexpensive stayed perfectly pigmented throughout the entire day. In fact, many drug store lipsticks don’t even last this long! This formula was strong throughout the morning, but by 1:00pm, it was starting to fade on the insides of my lips. By 3:00pm, the lipstick started to become patchy. By 5:00pm, it was almost completely gone. There was one occasion (at the beginning of my day) when I found lipstick on my teeth. Overall, I’m pretty satisfied with the longevity of this product, because I don’t know many [if any] lipsticks that would stay completely perfect from 9:00am-5:00pm. I would recommend touching it up once or twice throughout the day.

Longevity rating: 8/10

Quality vs. Price

Pros: The price of this lipstick is a whopping $0.99 USD with free shipping. For $0.99, you receive a moisturizing lipstick that is waterproof, has a good pigment, and generally lasts throughout the day. Also, this lipstick has almost no smell. The minimal smell reminds me of a natural bar of Dove soap. Sometimes these cheaper brands of makeup smell of harsh chemicals, but I was content with the smell of this Qibest lipstick. Although it isn’t a matte lipstick – which is super trendy at the moment – this is an absolute STEAL for the quality. If you’re interested in this lipstick but don’t like the colour I purchased, you’re in luck; there are twelve colours in total!

Cons: Because this lipstick doesn’t dry completely, it’s NOT smear-proof. If touching your lips is a habitual issue for you, this might not be your favourite lipstick. This product definitely leaves behind lipstick residue on water bottles, coffee mugs, etc.

Overall rating: 8.5/10

Find it here: http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Beauty-Makeup-Waterproof-Lip-Pencil-Lipstick-Lip-Gloss-Lip-Pen-Sexy-Hot-Women-OE/121808377793?_trksid=p2050601.c100085.m2372&_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20140211132617%26meid%3Da195829284664bd78971e014c9a02cdb%26pid%3D100085%26rk%3D1%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D121808377793%26clkid%3D6083508916989925647&_qi=RTM2247625




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